What was your mood when you awoken this morning?
Better question...
What mood did you let decide was going to control your day this morning?
The reason I asked this question was more retoricle than anything but the point is how do you let the choice of your moods every morning control your days events or attitude? Most of us do not realize how we choose the mood that we are in. We walk through life blaming everyone else for how we feel. We expect everyone else to cheer us up, stay in our good graces or to keep us out of a negative/bad mood. The fact is that if you are not happy it is because you are choosing not to be happy. It is all about outlook or perspective.
So often we crawl everyday of life looking at every task as something that we have to do instead of opportunities that we are blessed with.
Most mornings we awaken and say, "We HAVE to go to work." We very seldomly look at what a great opportunity we have in being of able body and mind to hold a job. We do the same things in many aspects of our lives weather it is dealing with our children, going grocery shopping, working out, reading anything besides a grocery store checkout tabloid headlines, even attending a family event or function. If we were to stop and put ourselves in a more positive mood about these daily task such as looking at everything as an oppotunity to do and be better, We can be in a Better Attitude about the things we do. Appreciate your job, you have one. Appreciate your children, they are a blessing. Love going to the grocery store, you have money to eat and we all love to eat right? Recognize your blessings while they are here and your mood will change drastically.
Today is the Day that the Lord has Made...
How do u measure a man when the road to hell is paved with good intentions, questionable decisions and televisions with over 400 channels?

Mar 25, 2010
Mar 24, 2010
New World Order
Last Year I discovered a new documentary film maker named Alex Jones. I was surprised to see that every comspiracy I had seen as truth he not only was aware of but was putting the facts to my theories. I strongly sugesst that you watch his videos...
"Obama Deception"
"Fall Of The Republic"
"Fabled Enemies"
We must end Social Security and the Federal Reserve...
Admittedly, I voted for Obama but if you know me then you know that it was strictly because he is half Black and never thought that he would even really bring any change.
If your not sure who you should listen to after viewing these videos, I suggest that you pay a little more attention to Rep. Ron Paul & 2004 and 2008 Presidential canidate Ralph Nader (Independent, Independence-Ecology, Peace and Freedom, Michigan Natural Law, Delaware Independent, Oregon Peace, New York Populist).
It Is Time For REAL CHANGE People...
Power To The People!!!
"Obama Deception"
"Fall Of The Republic"
"Fabled Enemies"
We must end Social Security and the Federal Reserve...
Admittedly, I voted for Obama but if you know me then you know that it was strictly because he is half Black and never thought that he would even really bring any change.
If your not sure who you should listen to after viewing these videos, I suggest that you pay a little more attention to Rep. Ron Paul & 2004 and 2008 Presidential canidate Ralph Nader (Independent, Independence-Ecology, Peace and Freedom, Michigan Natural Law, Delaware Independent, Oregon Peace, New York Populist).
It Is Time For REAL CHANGE People...
Power To The People!!!
Mar 15, 2010
True Republicans Love Money & You have None...
So over the last week I have been finding myself in conversations with several conservative Christian persons that claim to just not like President Obama. These individuals try to label their selves as such (individuals) but to me seem to be nothing more than "Tea Baggers" who are just unorganized. The difficulty is figuring out which is more dangerous, an ignorant ranters with no organization to hold them accountable before they man their soapboxes or a member of an organization that has no structure, educational higharchy, rules or regulations to govern their ignorant banter, rants and behavior.
Wait, let me slow down for a moment and back up this conversation. I do not wish to talk completely about the Tea Baggers. I will go into more depth about them in my next blog (I Promise)
I do want to talk about our everyday neighbors, our white lower to upper-middle class republican brothers and sisters who follow their party with no question. Now there are many Black and/or African-American people who also follow the Democratic Party with the same fever and reckless abandon as Republicans, who are also deceived by typical party politics but they also are not the topic of today’s conversation.
This last weekend I was speaking to a young republican male who could not even phantom the possibility of leaving or turning his back on his party. The major problem I was positioned with was trying to explain to him how this party is not really his. The Leaders of the GOP are not looking out for his best interest (after-all, money is the great motivator for an easily under-guestimated all of the politicians in America). I will admit that there are a few who really care and believe in the "American Dream" for All but mostly they reside on the smaller community level than in Washington D.C.
The Republican Party has completely pulled the wool over the eyes of its constituents. They have been lying to them for over a hundred years now. It began with using religion to gain supporters and followers (sounds familiar, they also used religion to justify American slavery and the mistreatment of women since the beginning of our countrys formation). Now they have resorted to and even more despicable tactic but one that is not new... FEAR!!!
The Republican Party has been leading its followers into believing that their awful President and his administration is driving are country into a Socialist state. Leaders and members of the party in Florida have left behind a little memo, a Republican National Committee memo found in a Boca Grande hotel reveals the GOP’s strategy of using fear to intimidate voters and mocks donors.
The memo - a Power Point presentation given at an RNC meeting in Florida in February - details the GOP’s plans for this year’s election cycle by luring “ego-driven” rich donors with promises of access and “tchochkes.” The more interesting declaration in the memo stated how to control and solicit the less financially fortunate members and donors with an aggressive campaign capitalizing on “fear” of President Barack Obama and a promise to "save the country from trending toward socialism."
Republicans claim that they need more tax breaks like the ones that were put into effect under the Reagan and Bush administrations. The outrageous part is that under the Obama administration taxes have been reduced for more than 95% Americans nationwide. The 5% that have not and are not going to be able to take advantage of these tax breaks are far wealthier than anyone we will be sitting down to dinner with you in the next several years and when I say "we", I mean from the upper-middle class, down to the poverty stricken persons residing in America's worst neighborhoods and projects.
I have also noticed that these same groups protest healthcare for everyone. The biggest claim made about not wanting healthcare for everyone is that it will make America a socialist society (like Switzerland, France or Canada). I will admit that healthcare for every man, woman and child is more of a socialist idealism but then again so is the police, fire, military, postal, trash, water and public education systems from kindergarten to tax funded state colleges (like U.C.L.A. & Penn State Univ. just to name a couple of the major ones). I do not understand how someone can argue with the astronomically and outrageously high numbers of people that pass away every year from the lack of healthcare. More people have died in the last year (2009) from the lack of basic healthcare than in the Katrina hurricane and the earthquakes in Haiti, China and Chile earthquake/tsunami combined.
Wait, let me slow down for a moment and back up this conversation. I do not wish to talk completely about the Tea Baggers. I will go into more depth about them in my next blog (I Promise)
I do want to talk about our everyday neighbors, our white lower to upper-middle class republican brothers and sisters who follow their party with no question. Now there are many Black and/or African-American people who also follow the Democratic Party with the same fever and reckless abandon as Republicans, who are also deceived by typical party politics but they also are not the topic of today’s conversation.
This last weekend I was speaking to a young republican male who could not even phantom the possibility of leaving or turning his back on his party. The major problem I was positioned with was trying to explain to him how this party is not really his. The Leaders of the GOP are not looking out for his best interest (after-all, money is the great motivator for an easily under-guestimated all of the politicians in America). I will admit that there are a few who really care and believe in the "American Dream" for All but mostly they reside on the smaller community level than in Washington D.C.
The Republican Party has completely pulled the wool over the eyes of its constituents. They have been lying to them for over a hundred years now. It began with using religion to gain supporters and followers (sounds familiar, they also used religion to justify American slavery and the mistreatment of women since the beginning of our countrys formation). Now they have resorted to and even more despicable tactic but one that is not new... FEAR!!!
The Republican Party has been leading its followers into believing that their awful President and his administration is driving are country into a Socialist state. Leaders and members of the party in Florida have left behind a little memo, a Republican National Committee memo found in a Boca Grande hotel reveals the GOP’s strategy of using fear to intimidate voters and mocks donors.
The memo - a Power Point presentation given at an RNC meeting in Florida in February - details the GOP’s plans for this year’s election cycle by luring “ego-driven” rich donors with promises of access and “tchochkes.” The more interesting declaration in the memo stated how to control and solicit the less financially fortunate members and donors with an aggressive campaign capitalizing on “fear” of President Barack Obama and a promise to "save the country from trending toward socialism."
*The strategy was detailed in a confidential party fundraising presentation, obtained by POLITICO.
Republicans claim that they need more tax breaks like the ones that were put into effect under the Reagan and Bush administrations. The outrageous part is that under the Obama administration taxes have been reduced for more than 95% Americans nationwide. The 5% that have not and are not going to be able to take advantage of these tax breaks are far wealthier than anyone we will be sitting down to dinner with you in the next several years and when I say "we", I mean from the upper-middle class, down to the poverty stricken persons residing in America's worst neighborhoods and projects.
I have also noticed that these same groups protest healthcare for everyone. The biggest claim made about not wanting healthcare for everyone is that it will make America a socialist society (like Switzerland, France or Canada). I will admit that healthcare for every man, woman and child is more of a socialist idealism but then again so is the police, fire, military, postal, trash, water and public education systems from kindergarten to tax funded state colleges (like U.C.L.A. & Penn State Univ. just to name a couple of the major ones). I do not understand how someone can argue with the astronomically and outrageously high numbers of people that pass away every year from the lack of healthcare. More people have died in the last year (2009) from the lack of basic healthcare than in the Katrina hurricane and the earthquakes in Haiti, China and Chile earthquake/tsunami combined.
"This My Block"
This My Block but I know i don't own it,
but I've been standing on it for more days than I can stand to remember.
From September to August I'm hogging five dollar doesha sells,
dodging crooked cops and bailing over fences.
Ditching different demons and elements of danger.
Strangers of the night don't fight with fist.
Unload 50 round clips attached to auto-matic high-powered riffles.
Who's the blame when my survival henge on dealing Death?
Feeling stress turn to Anger.
Beware of the Gangsta!
This My Block,
and it stay hot with pimps and street walkers,
talking the sweetest words you ever heard.
Lips drip pancake syrup and molasses,
to ever player passing-
marriages are placed in danger.
Selling the creators finest creation for way less than it's worth.
It's like Love is Curse and Money is First.
This My Block,
and I protect it with twin clocks,
and won't stop til I drop like Tupac & Biggie.
In every city there's many different hoods,
but none quite like mine.
It's like I enjoy doing crime.
Light your hood up like the 4th of July.
This My Block
All that I got cause my pops ain't left stock for me
holding to street philosophy-
A Ghetto Socrates.
Tagging my rhymes inside your mind,
I paint vivid mental collages.
Ballin from the strenght of my spiritual wealth.
Seeking God's help in a living hell where a frail spine won't last long
strong and tall is how this Soul-Jah is fit,
Built for this.
Equipped with the soul of saint,
the heart of a solo lion controlling his pride,
like a wise old owl I stalk the block nocturnal.
In a race full of hurdles,
I'm steeple chasing greatness.
trying to maintain and remain sane in these minimal wage occupations
This My Block where you gotta have patience.
If you want to make it to your next breath.
Fuck a S.A.T. Test.
They're testing my chin and my wind.
Begin my day born into sin.
Hung-Over from sipping gin
Never Sober,
I'm Power Drunk,
This My Block where anybody can get faded.
This My Block where even the strongest don't make it.
This My Block and I'll never trade it.
No matter how famous my poetry make me,
or this dirty industry hate me.
I'm gotta keep reppin my ghetto celebrity status til I hit Heaven,
and rest in the luxury of a thug mansion.
This My Block where I gotta keep expanding the minds of the young children.
This my block that I gotta stay here and keep building.
This my block that I gotta stay here and keep building.
This My Block & I'm Gonna Stay Here & Keep Building It.
written: twenty "O" three
inspired by: Nas "1 Mic" & urban areas everywhere
And I Heard'em Say...
Originally written in 2006
I felt re-posting would only contribute to this beauitful blog site
so I submit for your reading pleasure "And I Heard'em Say"
The Most Frightening Thing I Could Imagine Is Loosing "LOVE"
and not the normal way we all loose a love in our life from time to time
(loosing a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend or something like that),
but actually loosing "Love".
I mean to loose my ability to love
to become so sour on the notion that I truly don't have feelings
that I bactually start caring less about the folks around me
I have never been the type of person to not care
(that "no-love gangsta/thug" every rapper talks about being)
I have been hurt many times over again from having a big heart
(girls, friends & family, everyone has taken a turn disappointing me)
The worst thought in the world,
is thinking that what type of man would I be without love
I think I am the greatest cat walking upright and perched on this green earth because I can feel "Love".
Love is Not a disease you catch, that you must rid yourself of if you are to survive on the devil's playground
(actually it is)
For Me...
it is what I will always see it as:
"The Gift & The Curse"
The reason I Write...
Why I See, Touch, Taste, Hear
and most definitely why I open my mouth to speak.
Nine times out of 10, when I open my mouth I hope it is Blessing your World.
of course I stumble and back slide, I say some crazy things from time to time, but i truly wish the best for you and all with-in the sound of my voice and sight of my eyes.
Without love I would Die.
Actually without love there is no possible way for you to be living, you are only survivng
You are simply waiting and wasting time til you die.
I know those who are hoping that they are doing the right thing, but know deep down inside that they are dead wrong
Missing the Love they once had but are still glad it is gone.
"What Does Not Kill You Makes You Stronger"
Get the Hell Out of Hear with this Shit!!!
It is the truest quote I have ever heard.
The problem is that I don't want to be Stronger
Whatever happened to wanting to be Wiser.
Desiring Wisdom...
We went to school for knowledge and wisdom, but somewhere along the line lost our understanding
In the Bible the Devil is described as the Strong Man
(and not once or twice, but thru-out the books)
You also might want to consider that quite a few descriptions of God's most exhaulted prophets, preachers, leaders were constantly reffered to as "Wise Men" or "Men of Wisdom"
I say that to say this...
If given 1 wish,
would it be for strenght or ultimate wisdom?
I think God has used his voice about both
Gift & Curse
(It has taken me some time to realize that I started and continuously have posted essays and poems on this blog site that are controversial and writings that come from my heart and soul.
The blog that I have posted below originally was written and quietly published several years ago but I think it will forever remain relevant to many today
So I have re-posted
I hope it helps You or Someone You Love...)
One of the hardest things in the world for me to do...
is to admit to my weakness.
The difficulty I find to look someone in the face and tell them that I do not know why I did that is outrageous.
The hardest thing for me to do once someone knows my weakness, is to ask them for help.
I have just recently admitted to having an adult form of A.D.H.D., which honestly is not that hard for me to say right now. I usually admit this to anyone that I become acquainted with for anything longer than five minutes. Actually for the most part see it as "A Gift".
I very seldom focus on discussion of how negatively this simple dis-ease affects me.
I hold "my gifted thought process" responsible for creating every poem I have ever written, every song, rapp, script, any and everything I have ever done artistic.
I also contribute "The Gift" with every reason why I love so strongly.
Why I give so endlessly.
What I struggle with though, crumbles in comparison."The Gift" is less than the ultimate nothingness when measured next to the "The Curse".
I lay in my bed every night with my mind over run by a billion thoughts. I write a million pieces poetry that I would faint if I saw someone reading. I will actually have a full blown conversation in my head some days. I will be talking to you and not hear one word you said because I have went on vacation within my own thoughts. The worse part of the last statement is that sub-consciously I heard every thing and can repeat it all back to you, but it never makes a connection in my mind.
Having Adult A.D.H.D. has been the best & worst thing ever. I have soiled thousands of friendship/relationships, and driven wedges thru business relationships as well.
I still struggle daily trying to figure out what is most important to me...
Writing or Relationships?
I have taken medications to calm my mood changes and focus my thoughts but as I told my mother one day, "I can't live without the music in my thoughts"
what I was trying to tell her that although I was much more focused of the simpler necessary task of the day and that I am potentially a more productive person...
I Can Not Live With Out the Music & Rhythm that My Mind, Soul & Blood Flows With...
God is Good
For most of my life I have struggled. I have been the victim and the culprit. I have seen all sides of the tracks, on top of the mountain and the underneath of the rock.
I now battle for survival on the daily basis. I struggle in my job and in all my relationship. My relationship with my family, and friends, but especially with my love life (and I think that you all already know about that).
The hardest part about surviving is that you know that you are meant for bigger and better. To know that you are genetically engineered to be living.
See most don't realize that there are 3 levels of life.
and "Living"
My biggest problem is that I can't figure out exactly what "Living: is for me. So it is hard to know what I am working towards
I always assume that it is a house/home, a family, and a strong career. Lately it seems that my happiness (my ability to live) henges on others which is disappointing. Most would say that depending on others for your own happiness is not good, the difficulty is that even throughout the bible men and women of God depended on others to be living. Even Jesus had his 12 individuals that he needed for a variety of different purposes.
I am holding to the belief that in order to live life we all need each other. The world was not made to be conquered by an individual.
God loves us, and we are all his children. Whatever you do, don't wait til it is to late to tell someone how much you appreciate them
I now battle for survival on the daily basis. I struggle in my job and in all my relationship. My relationship with my family, and friends, but especially with my love life (and I think that you all already know about that).
The hardest part about surviving is that you know that you are meant for bigger and better. To know that you are genetically engineered to be living.
See most don't realize that there are 3 levels of life.
and "Living"
My biggest problem is that I can't figure out exactly what "Living: is for me. So it is hard to know what I am working towards
I always assume that it is a house/home, a family, and a strong career. Lately it seems that my happiness (my ability to live) henges on others which is disappointing. Most would say that depending on others for your own happiness is not good, the difficulty is that even throughout the bible men and women of God depended on others to be living. Even Jesus had his 12 individuals that he needed for a variety of different purposes.
I am holding to the belief that in order to live life we all need each other. The world was not made to be conquered by an individual.
God loves us, and we are all his children. Whatever you do, don't wait til it is to late to tell someone how much you appreciate them
Good Man
excerpt from song lyrics of
originally written in November 2001
........UNCLE SALAAM (2001)
originally written in November 2001
........UNCLE SALAAM (2001)
Willie Lynch Letter
The Willie Lynch Letter
The following letter was read by Willie Lynch, a wealthy plantation owner from the West Indies to a group of slave owners who wanted to be just like him.
I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, the Gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here. I am here to help you solve some of your problems with slaves. Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies where I have experimented with some of the newest and still the oldest methods for control of slaves. Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented. As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King James, whose Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique. While Rome used cords of wood and crosses for standing human bodies along the old highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasion. I caught the whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree a couple of miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, you suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I have a fool-proof method of controlling your Black slaves. I guarantee everyone of you that if installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years. My method is simple, any member of your family or any overseer can use it. I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves, and I take these differences and make them bigger. I use fear, distrust and evny for control purposes. These methods have worked on my model plantation in the West Indies, and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On the top of my list is "Age"; the second is "color";or shade, there is intelligence, size, sex, size of planations, attitude of owners, whether the slave lives in the North, South, have fine or coarse hair, or is short or tall. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action- but before that, I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust,and envy is stronger than adulation, respect or admiration. The Black Slave, after receiving this indoctrination, shall carry on and will become self refueling and self-generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands. Don't forget, you must pitch the old Black slave vs. the young Black male, and the young Black male against the old Black male.You must use the dark skin slaves vs. the light skin slaves, and the light slaves vs. the dark skin slaves. You must use the female vs. the male and the male vs. the female. You must also have your servants and overseers distrust all Blacks, but it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect and trust only us. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control,use them. Have your wives and children use them. Never miss opportunity. My plan is guaranteed, and the good thing about this plan is that if used intensely for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful.****************************
Funny that he said that the effects of his method of solving the slave problem would last 300 years...Starting in 1712 taking us into 2012...is it the Mayan or the Aztec calendar that ends in 2012? In any course the I see the way the black views himself as a whole about to change... Brown skins unite and get ready for...
The following letter was read by Willie Lynch, a wealthy plantation owner from the West Indies to a group of slave owners who wanted to be just like him.
I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, the Gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here. I am here to help you solve some of your problems with slaves. Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies where I have experimented with some of the newest and still the oldest methods for control of slaves. Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented. As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King James, whose Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique. While Rome used cords of wood and crosses for standing human bodies along the old highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasion. I caught the whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree a couple of miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, you suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I have a fool-proof method of controlling your Black slaves. I guarantee everyone of you that if installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years. My method is simple, any member of your family or any overseer can use it. I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves, and I take these differences and make them bigger. I use fear, distrust and evny for control purposes. These methods have worked on my model plantation in the West Indies, and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On the top of my list is "Age"; the second is "color";or shade, there is intelligence, size, sex, size of planations, attitude of owners, whether the slave lives in the North, South, have fine or coarse hair, or is short or tall. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action- but before that, I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust,and envy is stronger than adulation, respect or admiration. The Black Slave, after receiving this indoctrination, shall carry on and will become self refueling and self-generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands. Don't forget, you must pitch the old Black slave vs. the young Black male, and the young Black male against the old Black male.You must use the dark skin slaves vs. the light skin slaves, and the light slaves vs. the dark skin slaves. You must use the female vs. the male and the male vs. the female. You must also have your servants and overseers distrust all Blacks, but it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect and trust only us. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control,use them. Have your wives and children use them. Never miss opportunity. My plan is guaranteed, and the good thing about this plan is that if used intensely for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful.****************************
Funny that he said that the effects of his method of solving the slave problem would last 300 years...Starting in 1712 taking us into 2012...is it the Mayan or the Aztec calendar that ends in 2012? In any course the I see the way the black views himself as a whole about to change... Brown skins unite and get ready for...
"Still Standing"
This Piece was Originally Written between 2001 & 2004
I really wish I had a precise time and date for it
trapped by my own inner-ambitions
distanced thru my physicality
struggle with a criminal mentality
& emotional disabilities
always angery
hot & heated to the highest of hells fire
physically frustrated with desires of fornacation
mentally masterbating...
plotting capers of playing God
Uncle SALAAM hard...
hardly seeing my own down fall
i'm hard of hearing
with a hard head, that needs hard teaching,
more than just believing...
what i am stating is known fact.
the devil plots brainstorm attacks
jacks thoughts for his own enslavement
his own personal entertainment
so now we dying to be famous
the game is shameless
as dirty as...
& we turnned...
p.o.w.'s of a
where satans winning, but it's been written...
that God shall overcome
so i'm freely fighting for frredom
eager to earn my spot inside His Kingdom
knowledge &
the devils testing
but God is blessing
the Soul of a Soul-Jah "Still Standing"
I really wish I had a precise time and date for it
trapped by my own inner-ambitions
distanced thru my physicality
struggle with a criminal mentality
& emotional disabilities
always angery
hot & heated to the highest of hells fire
physically frustrated with desires of fornacation
mentally masterbating...
plotting capers of playing God
Uncle SALAAM hard...
hardly seeing my own down fall
i'm hard of hearing
with a hard head, that needs hard teaching,
more than just believing...
what i am stating is known fact.
the devil plots brainstorm attacks
jacks thoughts for his own enslavement
his own personal entertainment
so now we dying to be famous
the game is shameless
as dirty as...
& we turnned...
p.o.w.'s of a
where satans winning, but it's been written...
that God shall overcome
so i'm freely fighting for frredom
eager to earn my spot inside His Kingdom
knowledge &
the devils testing
but God is blessing
the Soul of a Soul-Jah "Still Standing"
Bloom Where You Are Planted
This is very odd, I actually am reading a quote that i have read 350 times over the last pass year now and never truely understood (mostly because I never paid attention to it)... All of a sudden it makes perfect sence to me.
"Bloom Where You're Planted"
I really thought it was always missing something, but it was really the secondary headline that did it for me today.
"Live Life Like U Mean It"
Unfortunately so many of us are not living life like we mean it. We are not radiating to our full bloom where we're planted. We end up expending countless amounts of energy trying so hard to switch gardens, that we are not blosoming to are full poteniel.
Let me explain it like this.
I have met garbage men and lunch ladies back in the 80s that were happy. Today I can gaurentee you that if we walk into downtown Los Angeles we will meet newspaper/magazine salespeople on corners just as happy. My actual gardener smiles more than I do (it is funny that he brings his little toy sized dog with him everytime he comes to cut and maintain the yard). So many that come from outside our culture/society are happy and smiling, blosoming to full bloom.
What happened to us?
Honestly I have not figured it out yet, but i will tell you this...
"Bloom Where You're Planted"
I really thought it was always missing something, but it was really the secondary headline that did it for me today.
"Live Life Like U Mean It"
Unfortunately so many of us are not living life like we mean it. We are not radiating to our full bloom where we're planted. We end up expending countless amounts of energy trying so hard to switch gardens, that we are not blosoming to are full poteniel.
Let me explain it like this.
I have met garbage men and lunch ladies back in the 80s that were happy. Today I can gaurentee you that if we walk into downtown Los Angeles we will meet newspaper/magazine salespeople on corners just as happy. My actual gardener smiles more than I do (it is funny that he brings his little toy sized dog with him everytime he comes to cut and maintain the yard). So many that come from outside our culture/society are happy and smiling, blosoming to full bloom.
What happened to us?
Honestly I have not figured it out yet, but i will tell you this...
"She Said I am Dramatic" (part 1)
she said i am dramatic...
loving to wallow in sadness with the weight of the worlds madness on my neck and spine...
not really...
finding forever in every key stroke...
with an untamed will to rejuvenate hope...
seeking the next level of an after-life...
what is after Christ shall be no more...
martyered by passion riding bareback on a spirit horse named desire...
galloping thru the fire next to a pale clydesdale to bring back the truth...
relayed extended game to give siblings a boost...
loosen the nuse and wear the rope burns as a badge for the rights of passage... success was the journey and not the final destination
she said i am dramatic...
yeah maybe...
loving to wallow in sadness with the weight of the worlds madness on my neck and spine...
not really...
finding forever in every key stroke...
with an untamed will to rejuvenate hope...
seeking the next level of an after-life...
what is after Christ shall be no more...
martyered by passion riding bareback on a spirit horse named desire...
galloping thru the fire next to a pale clydesdale to bring back the truth...
relayed extended game to give siblings a boost...
loosen the nuse and wear the rope burns as a badge for the rights of passage... success was the journey and not the final destination
she said i am dramatic...
yeah maybe...
"She Said I am Dramatic" (part 2)
she asked me why i am so dramatical...
i said i am dramatical because....
i believe in honor & respect...
in loyality & trust...
marriage vows and honesty over truth...
i believe i have the most fun partying when i am intoxicated and that a good wife will be like my probation officer keeping me out of trouble by giving me a curfew...
i believe in writing my poetry like my mind, heart, and soul are singing...
and to always apologize but never follow an apology with the word "but"...
i believe that there is 1 God and language confuses His name...
i believe in never buying cheap toilet paper or asking a woman her age...
and i believe that you should always wash your hands before you touch yourself to use the restroom...
i believe that America eats it's young and that hip-hop is the pinnicle of modern day American literture...
i believe that what good is a sea of words if no one is making waves...
which leads me to believe this is why drama is my middle name...
i said i am dramatical because....
i believe in honor & respect...
in loyality & trust...
marriage vows and honesty over truth...
i believe i have the most fun partying when i am intoxicated and that a good wife will be like my probation officer keeping me out of trouble by giving me a curfew...
i believe in writing my poetry like my mind, heart, and soul are singing...
and to always apologize but never follow an apology with the word "but"...
i believe that there is 1 God and language confuses His name...
i believe in never buying cheap toilet paper or asking a woman her age...
and i believe that you should always wash your hands before you touch yourself to use the restroom...
i believe that America eats it's young and that hip-hop is the pinnicle of modern day American literture...
i believe that what good is a sea of words if no one is making waves...
which leads me to believe this is why drama is my middle name...
"We Witness"
quirky and queer...
floating thru waves of eccentric self-indulgance...
we gape with penetrating stares...
peering at reflections of raped ancestory soiled greatly with dusty, dirt brown colored skin tones...
skinny body festers solid dark hues...
black & blue blossoms purple flower blisters, scarring our souls from fights for your favor...
no time for us...
only self-indulged future dreams mock our needs and wants...
while sullen eyes drive our souls to follow the brilliant blings of trophy friendships...
we witness the reality of your faith in self...
and Yes!!!
unable to fit ordinary molds...
destinctive model original, so we gawk estranged at slpenderous radiant rainbows of alienated wardrobes...
and black over-heated/treated head wiskers, shallow and short, barely covers your scalp...
and for this in our reason devotion presist as we witness magnificant inspiration... we sit in adoration of your beauty and our purpose for poetry is you...
a Gorgeous,
Phenominal Pheminine Pharaoh Revered...
quirky and queer...
floating thru waves of eccentric self-indulgance...
we gape with penetrating stares...
peering at reflections of raped ancestory soiled greatly with dusty, dirt brown colored skin tones...
skinny body festers solid dark hues...
black & blue blossoms purple flower blisters, scarring our souls from fights for your favor...
no time for us...
only self-indulged future dreams mock our needs and wants...
while sullen eyes drive our souls to follow the brilliant blings of trophy friendships...
we witness the reality of your faith in self...
and Yes!!!
unable to fit ordinary molds...
destinctive model original, so we gawk estranged at slpenderous radiant rainbows of alienated wardrobes...
and black over-heated/treated head wiskers, shallow and short, barely covers your scalp...
and for this in our reason devotion presist as we witness magnificant inspiration... we sit in adoration of your beauty and our purpose for poetry is you...
a Gorgeous,
Phenominal Pheminine Pharaoh Revered...
"Grinding Against the Game"
(originally written November 2006)
imagine images racing a million miles per hour... powered by priminissions and a gut feeling of nervousness from just the thought of a 1st meeting....
sweaty palms and slight perspiration collects on my forehead and neck...
i am preparing for my future...
readying myself for all on the fun and fabulous days... the gorgeous dates where we can dig the afternoon and play in the rays of the sun, enjoying the drive as much as the destination...
just dippin down the coastline, on the 5 south, in a classic convertible caddy... big daddy and lil mama, drama-free, smiling and grinning, enjoying each others company...
whispering poetic hip-hop love quotes while walking the promenade in Santa Monica or the gas-lamp district in Diego... "I Got U" like Roots classics...
when i am with you, every evenning is magic and every night is magnificent...
but i can not stop imagining getting past the intial meeting which is making my mild perspiration turn into a full on sweat... sweaty palms are so full of jitters I begin to barely be able to grip the steering wheel...
Damn Mama... why do you have to be so wonderful, so unbelievably brilliant and beautiful...
i have dreamed of a "You" since forever past now, and i refuse to let myself down by letting you get away... cause I am King and You are a PheNOmenAL PhEMinIne PHorAOh made for the example of how exceptional LOve, LiFE, and fRienDshIP should BE...
~ + ~Uncle Salaam~ + ~
..> Nov. 11, 2006
(originally written November 2006)
imagine images racing a million miles per hour... powered by priminissions and a gut feeling of nervousness from just the thought of a 1st meeting....
sweaty palms and slight perspiration collects on my forehead and neck...
i am preparing for my future...
readying myself for all on the fun and fabulous days... the gorgeous dates where we can dig the afternoon and play in the rays of the sun, enjoying the drive as much as the destination...
just dippin down the coastline, on the 5 south, in a classic convertible caddy... big daddy and lil mama, drama-free, smiling and grinning, enjoying each others company...
whispering poetic hip-hop love quotes while walking the promenade in Santa Monica or the gas-lamp district in Diego... "I Got U" like Roots classics...
when i am with you, every evenning is magic and every night is magnificent...
but i can not stop imagining getting past the intial meeting which is making my mild perspiration turn into a full on sweat... sweaty palms are so full of jitters I begin to barely be able to grip the steering wheel...
Damn Mama... why do you have to be so wonderful, so unbelievably brilliant and beautiful...
i have dreamed of a "You" since forever past now, and i refuse to let myself down by letting you get away... cause I am King and You are a PheNOmenAL PhEMinIne PHorAOh made for the example of how exceptional LOve, LiFE, and fRienDshIP should BE...
~ + ~Uncle Salaam~ + ~
..> Nov. 11, 2006
"Me & My Keyboard"
..> me & my keyboard
when thoughts come to mind, electric vibes slide finger tips across the keyboard...
like a double edge sword in hands of man with a quickened heart pulse, every key stroke creating words, and words create quotes...
hopefully creating hope that you are not alone... cause i express stress, love, and unity with every piece of poetry /slash written word/ slash thoughts that generates to combat the hate and celebriate life...
you are not alone
i am not alone
because thru every thought that fought its way to the front of adrelin addictted, adult attention deficit hyper-active disordered mind, finds you standing... waiting to let you know that i feel your pain... just as i hope you can sympathize with mine
time flies when i sit with this black keyboard aboard my lap... like shooting craps with hot dice, i snap my fingers twice and make my point...
when it is me and my keyboard... i bring forth you... i pull you towards me, so we can meet and make things happen... hopefully we can sit in agree and get thru all together...
sitting here tapping keys... hoping to get a lil closer to you... hoping that you understand me a lil more...
hoping that i can generate enough energy and passion to motovate our tired, dying world...
today i sit... me & my keyboard...
trying to get closer to the Lord.
-Uncle Salaam- + -Oct. 19, 2006
when thoughts come to mind, electric vibes slide finger tips across the keyboard...
like a double edge sword in hands of man with a quickened heart pulse, every key stroke creating words, and words create quotes...
hopefully creating hope that you are not alone... cause i express stress, love, and unity with every piece of poetry /slash written word/ slash thoughts that generates to combat the hate and celebriate life...
you are not alone
i am not alone
because thru every thought that fought its way to the front of adrelin addictted, adult attention deficit hyper-active disordered mind, finds you standing... waiting to let you know that i feel your pain... just as i hope you can sympathize with mine
time flies when i sit with this black keyboard aboard my lap... like shooting craps with hot dice, i snap my fingers twice and make my point...
when it is me and my keyboard... i bring forth you... i pull you towards me, so we can meet and make things happen... hopefully we can sit in agree and get thru all together...
sitting here tapping keys... hoping to get a lil closer to you... hoping that you understand me a lil more...
hoping that i can generate enough energy and passion to motovate our tired, dying world...
today i sit... me & my keyboard...
trying to get closer to the Lord.
-Uncle Salaam- + -Oct. 19, 2006
"O.P.E.N. - Original People Elevating Naturally"
No Direction New
Confrontation Seeks To Retreat Towards Inner-Space
In The Face Of Pressure To Burst Pipes
Graphite Pencil Lead Scribbles Riddles Under Pressure
& Creates Diamonds
The Rhythms Of Words Rhyming Now Motivates The Soul
& Where The Soul Goes
The Heart & Spine Shows Equal
& The Natural Elevation Of Original People
Art Is Not A Crime
Confrontation Seeks To Retreat Towards Inner-Space
In The Face Of Pressure To Burst Pipes
Graphite Pencil Lead Scribbles Riddles Under Pressure
& Creates Diamonds
The Rhythms Of Words Rhyming Now Motivates The Soul
& Where The Soul Goes
The Heart & Spine Shows Equal
& The Natural Elevation Of Original People
Art Is Not A Crime
Live - Laugh - Love
I am Always Turned ON!!!
(and i mean in hyper giddy/silly mood)
I am a great believer in comedy and laughter heals
If you have cancer...
Watch some comedies and it will go into remission
If you are suffering from a bitter break-up
A lil Jim Carey or Dave Chappelle will make you forget about all that
I think Life is too Short to sweat the small stuff
not that the 2 previous mentioned life tragedies were small by any means
but they are both wonderful examples of how you must...
Let Go & Let God!!!
and since we all know that God is Love
and Love is expressed with joy and happiness
laughter and smiles
I think that the number one healing power and medicine out there is to let happiness cleanse u
to let joy come in and push the negativity out
It is a fact that the mind (brain) is the must powerful and intricate machine known to man
that most of us use less than 10% of our true brain power at one time
(most are somewhere around 4% to 5%)
they say that Albert Eistien used 12%
now if we are pushing our consciousness constantly in a low gear
kind of like driving your car all day long 60 mph in 1st gear and never ever shifting
just pushing day after day
(now we talking about some stress)
after a very short while
it will blow up
what laughter, happiness, joy is to me
it's like the oil that moves thru ur cogs and sprockets
keeping your extremely sophisticated engine running to perfection
relieving the stress that is must for must of to endure in our day to day work and family lives
rather you have children or not
rather you work 25 hours or 75 hours a week
flipping burgers to help pay tuition
running into burning building and pulling out elderly hospice patients
or dealing with an over bearing boss who does not have half the education or people skills that you poses but he still shines because he attaches his names to the every extremely detailed report that spent 75% of your weekend working on
If any of these are you
or anything like you
I suggest that when you have some "You Time"
spend it laughing
put a smile on your face
If you can not make it to a comedy club
then watch a comedy on cable or DvD
If that is to much
go on you-tube
just do something that makes yourself laugh
In other words
You must take a pro-active roll in inducing happiness and joy in your life
Laugh Now
because You are Not Promised a Later
(and i mean in hyper giddy/silly mood)
I am a great believer in comedy and laughter heals
If you have cancer...
Watch some comedies and it will go into remission
If you are suffering from a bitter break-up
A lil Jim Carey or Dave Chappelle will make you forget about all that
I think Life is too Short to sweat the small stuff
not that the 2 previous mentioned life tragedies were small by any means
but they are both wonderful examples of how you must...
Let Go & Let God!!!
and since we all know that God is Love
and Love is expressed with joy and happiness
laughter and smiles
I think that the number one healing power and medicine out there is to let happiness cleanse u
to let joy come in and push the negativity out
It is a fact that the mind (brain) is the must powerful and intricate machine known to man
that most of us use less than 10% of our true brain power at one time
(most are somewhere around 4% to 5%)
they say that Albert Eistien used 12%
now if we are pushing our consciousness constantly in a low gear
kind of like driving your car all day long 60 mph in 1st gear and never ever shifting
just pushing day after day
(now we talking about some stress)
after a very short while
it will blow up
what laughter, happiness, joy is to me
it's like the oil that moves thru ur cogs and sprockets
keeping your extremely sophisticated engine running to perfection
relieving the stress that is must for must of to endure in our day to day work and family lives
rather you have children or not
rather you work 25 hours or 75 hours a week
flipping burgers to help pay tuition
running into burning building and pulling out elderly hospice patients
or dealing with an over bearing boss who does not have half the education or people skills that you poses but he still shines because he attaches his names to the every extremely detailed report that spent 75% of your weekend working on
If any of these are you
or anything like you
I suggest that when you have some "You Time"
spend it laughing
put a smile on your face
If you can not make it to a comedy club
then watch a comedy on cable or DvD
If that is to much
go on you-tube
just do something that makes yourself laugh
In other words
You must take a pro-active roll in inducing happiness and joy in your life
Laugh Now
because You are Not Promised a Later
Mar 2, 2010
The Evolution of the Home-Makers

Just recently I was watching television with a few friends and family members and saw something that I found disturbing but yet, entertaining. We were tuned-in to one of the more popular themed area house wife reality shows. It was very interesting but it also sparked a conversation about the role of the house wife, home makers or “stay at home moms” (as it is more commonly referred to in the new millennium). There was an obvious age divide in the room. My uncle and older male siblings seem to pine away with sinister grins of affection, reminiscing and remembering the days when every meal was awaiting them when they arrived home from a hard days work. The younger members of the room had no idea what they were talking about.
To the dismay of many of my older family members, the role of the "Marta Steward House-Wife" has been banished from American culture. As early as World War I, women have become more independent, free thinking individuals willingly to throw off the aprons and join the work force. Yet, we still have many that appreciate being home-makers. What I appreciate about many of these home-makers is their willingness to cast off the shackles of secondary citizenship and step into the arena of entrepreneurs and scholars. With the addition of internet access and the World Wide Web in most homes throughout the country, women are finding it far more easy to connect with the entire world in less than the time it takes to load the French coffee press and turn the flame on beneath the stainless steel stovetop kettle on any given Monday morning.
I have found myself involved in this conversation many times with people on both sides of the fence. Everyone has a view, and it seems as if everyone's view is somehow supported by political, religious and/or cultural stubborness, "that's the way it is, why fight it" traditional American standards (which seems to be the most shown in the fluency of generational age gaps).
I for one, love and support change. I also think that every revolution does not have to take place on the battlefields or in courtrooms, especially since there is this new fangled piece of machinery in most homes known as the computer.
Personally, I have nothing against Martha Steward as an individual. Although, I do not appreciate the character that she has broadcast into homes over the past few decades. I believe being the first teacher to your children is a wonderful concept but I also feel like it should be practiced in a contemporary setting. Husbands that work outside in the mean “rat race world” while “the little lady” stays home does not automatically translate to a lazy wife not working. I have come across many women who have started their own business from home and quite a few who our attending school or taking college classes online.
Recently I re-visited a small church that I attended as a child and found out quickly times had changed. Gone are the days of the house wives manning bake sales tables outside the church doors to raise money for one activity or another. Today my computer and entrepreneurial savvy sisters were organized, mobilized and creating an off-campus tutoring program directly linked thru the churches already existing website. They realized by using resources that were already paid for, they would not only save their individual time by not having to work in the kitchen but would also further promote a website that was already present but was not generating much traffic. Their forward thinking applied to yesterday’s guerilla ground promotion on high school and junior high campuses not only boosted their enrollment in the classroom but it was also elevating the awareness of all their church’s programs. I must admit, I really loved seeing progress and forward movement amongst my sisters.
This might sound a slightly weird but when I see progress like the before mentioned story, I immediately thank God for Oprah. Admittedly, I might only catch her show in its entirety about once or twice a week but since I also spend many afternoon hours stroking the keys of my laptop in my home office I refer to as the Dungeon. I also must keep the subtle sound and hypnotic flickering lights of the television going to break the dead silence of my monotone suburban surroundings. Now I have not always been a fan of my sister Oprah. We disagree often on many of her personal views but I loved her when she first aired. Wasn’t as compelled to watch during the late 90s but somehow her presence has worked its angelic magic back into my life. Point Blank... the sister is Astounding! To me she not only presents the definition of a powerful and beautiful woman but continuously invites guest on her show that range from doctors and college professors, paraplegics, multi-talented celebrity performers to self-made millionaire homemakers and exposes the world to well-rounded women of great power and accomplishment. I have personally witnessed the uplifting powers of her show on many folks directly. Her constant statements of encouragement to not stand still, and to step up and step out into the world, are not only motivating but should be basic law for those that are stuck in yesteryear’s bigoted class structure.
I think the more women that are willing to step into the new millennium roles of the modern home maker from stone age housewife will definitely make for a better tomorrow. We must free ourselves from the shackles of all “Ism” (Sexism, Racism, Ageism - age discrimination), and all stereotypes that are being heaped onto the backs of our brothers and sisters through-out the world. All Men and WOMEN are Created Equal and it is about time we start acting like it.
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