Nov 24, 2014

Destruction of Black America: New World Death Penalty

In 1999, during the President Bill Clinton Impeachment trail, the CIA finally admitted that during the mid-80s they were the biggest drug dealers in American history. This is a FACT! The CIA finally admitted to pumping enormous amounts, tons upon tons of cocaine into the Los Angeles area and eventually urban cities across America. Unfortunately, Americans from coast to coast were to busy tuning their TVs in at record breaking rates that raveled that year's Superbowl, to watch the Pres talk about his extra marital affairs.

I was a first hand supporter to the "Crack the CIA Movement" lead by CA Rep. Maxine Waters (D) and many grassroots organizers, while everyone was focused in the opposite direction. The entire nation tuned-in every morning, afternoon and prime time hours to ingest the garbage of an useless impeachment trail. The entire time, we had both parties working together to pass bills, release little paid attention to statements and cover-up hundreds of other criminal instances induced by both sides of the aisle.

This is not the first instance of America releasing government sponsored dis-ease and evil own it's own people. My community has always struggled with alcohol, drugs, poverty and health crisis. This was only the final blow in the completion of the FIRST step of completely annihilating a growing giant and crippling it's future forever.

While crack cocaine dealing become the greatest source of  economic advancement for Black & Mexican males in Urban America, which of course being the most addictive drug known on earth, these parts were just the beginning. The "War on Drugs" started by Pres. Nixon but really taking a hold on the public with Pres. Reagan, which who incidentally is the same governor that closed mental health facilities a decade earlier, These same facilities whose highest priority was treating drug addiction victims and putting all these people with severe mental health issues on to the streets. The same governor who while closing the doors on these mental health facilities, allowed the opening a couple dozen private prisons which he himself and his cohorts were fully invested in. Do you see where I am going here? Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the early-90s, California lead the push on stricter felony laws, 3 strikes, life sentencing and reduction of good behavior early parole, forcing felons to serve 80% of sentences. The government was stacking the prisons with it's most valuable and lucrative product, Human Beings. Young men were being literally sold into state sentences by the courts for doing the same thing that the federal government does and needed them to do in order to generate a funds. Urban males were dealing drugs just as the CIA did. Urban males were going to war over territory, just as our military does. Killing people, just as big brother does. The biggest difference is that Urban America was and is the only ones paying the price for its immoral and illegal activities. Unfortunately, when a poor person exploits their limited opportunities (which were government perpetuated) in an attempt to better their financial/survival situations, it will more than likely be deemed illegal and severely punished, even if it is not for everyone else.

With poverty being one of the many leading causes of drug addiction, which creates more drug dealers, giving way to mandatory sentences and larger prison populations, all creating more money for the Top 1%, this has to be more than just accidental. Black and Latino males were being systemically eliminated. We were being drugged out, murdered and/or imprisoned for life by the millions, as a result our entire families were failing. we are now falling prey to passive resistance with the elimination of our warrior class.

The young men in our cities are now limited in numbers. We are limited in college, we are limited in the workforce and we are limited in the home. So today, we now have a system that does not promote our education and self-sufficiency but instead is seeking to incarcerate us by the millions.

I know many of you will say that no one held a gun to anyone's head forcing them to deal drugs or join a gang but how do you wag your finger at these youth while you take advantage of the all the privileges you receive from your government perpetrating the same crimes?

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