I Live through the Pose I Create...
when the suns run dim and my words may no longer be read...
My Soul Sketches Sparks across My Heart
My Heart Provokes the Thoughts on my Mind
My Mind keeps my Soul Wound like an Old Pocket Watch...
My Soul is Timeless
My Heart is a Motor Forever Moving with No Need For External Fuel
My Mind Motivated by Constant Elevation
My Mind Alive & Navigating Mountains that are Forever Moving through a Universe of Dark Clouds which My Soul Rides Unbridled
My Soul... Galloping amongst Galaxies with a Heart Shaped Shield that is Re-Born with every New Breath
Every Rhythmic Beat of My Heart Bringing My Mind New Blood to Sip
My Mind Sipping & Slipping Charcoal Colored Thoughts Around My Soul that Begs to Be Wound Again & Again & Again!!!
Spark My Heart...
Provoke My Mind...
Wind My Soul...
I Live thru the Pose I Create for Creation is My Muse!!!