shrouded in a cloak of Passion, Pride & Purple-Blue Grape Flavored Bruises reminiscent of Flower Blossoms...
jet black tangled braids covered in green cast-armored head dressings
towering flagrant in her flamboyance
she was statuesque & sensational but meek in manner & humble in demeanor
dictated in dominance by the dimensional standards of what was never excepted
she was professing I am only that I am...nothing more
her posture spoke a passive & unobtrusive riddle
standing in avoidance through her down-turned eyes focused on the road
she spoke & told me that she can see my thoughts & felt love when she touched my words
but I heard nothing...
she was a tall, brutal & voluptuous figure
pronounced unwaivering
but held not an inkling of incline or aggression
I knew that there was more...
I knew that All I was witnessing was only the beginning of a Journey where the Destination was of no concern...
I wanted her to roll this road with me...
I asked if she was here for me...
she only declared that "I am here Forever"
(to be continued)