Good Day Gorgeous Supporters
& Active Interest Takers into the Thoughts & Visions of an Eclectic, Florescent, Electric, Super-Sized Circus known as...
Uncle Salaam's: "Bizarre Ride Through My Bright Black Mind"
Today is Tuesday, August 23, 2011, I am in Hemet, CA.
I have been working on an in-depth & honest resume since 7:30am and it is after 11:30am and I have a long way to go. Needless to say, this is extremely boring, which is the obvious reason for my break.
I have shared quite a few text messages with a many different people this morning (65% of them women). Through the course of my electronic transmissions with these various sisters, I have found out a few things about myself and my future. I have a hard time trusting women today. I am still the "Hopeless Romantic" from previous post omissions but today I realize that I'm not as Happy to be such. It is like today I realized something new and very dramatic.
Today I realized that I am a "Hapless Romantic"
I saw my desires for what they are. I noticed that I dream so hard of "Love" and "Being In Love" that I do not take the time to respect, develop nor work on Love the way I should. I am such a fan of written words that I ignore speech and actions most times. Tell me u Love Me in a text message and I forget that how irritated I may have been the previous hour. Tell me that I mean more to you than anything and I will forget that your running a hour late for dinner. Tell me that I am the Greatest and I might let you join me in a Vertical Joyride...(lol)
Seriously speaking, I am just saying that I know I must decrease my falling speed. To be honest, I think my problem is not that I keep falling so quickly but more jumping over the edge with no bungee-cord. I need to walk into Love. I need to enjoy the Journey as well as the Destination.
"this time tho (keepin it real)I'm staying on point like Bobby Flay in a BBQ Throwdown& I'm Guarding My Grill"
Okay Wonderful People, I need to conclude this trip and continue with my resume writing. Try to have an Awesome Day without any further Interruptions from My Bright Black Mind.