How do u measure a man when the road to hell is paved with good intentions, questionable decisions and televisions with over 400 channels?

Mar 11, 2012
Mar 9, 2012
What I have Learned about Mormons
Many of these videos are the recently old documentation of the Latter Day Saints aka LDS aka the mormon church but they are still frightening. I usually do not go "On Record" bringing down the craziness in anyone's religion but I just had to expose some of this outrageousness in a time when we are considering a Mormon for President.
Governor Mitt Romney was 31 years old when the Church of LDS finally decided to let Black men hold priesthood in their doctrine.
I will let the videos tell the stories of their beliefs.
Donny & Marie
Donny back peddling & Marie setting the Women's Movement backwards.
In 2005, the Intelligence Report published the following statements made by Warren Jeffs, President of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: 1. "The black race is the people through which the devil has always been able to bring evil unto the earth."
Joseph Smith first president, prophet, and founder of the Mormon Church
Had I anything to do with the negro, I would confine them by strict law to their own species, and put them on a national equalization" (Joseph Fielding Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 270; History of the Church, 5: 218; emphasis added). "Thursday, 8--Held Mayor's court and tried two negroes for attempting to marry two white women: fined one $25, and the other $5" (ibid., 6: 210). and the rebellious niggers in the slave states. . . " (Millennial Star, 22:602; emphasis added).
When Mormon Historians reprinted this in the History of the Church, they change it to read: "and the rebellious negroes in the slave states. . . " (History of the Church, 6:158; emphasis added).
The other side of the coin
I Forgive but I Never Forget
(especially when you don't allow me too)
OK, I understand that most western philosophy and religions started with a deep seeded anti-woman & anti-African-American racism. The biggest difference I see is that the LDS Church was Founded on Racism.
Their doctrine has not changed & these viewpoints that have been shared are currently found in the Book of Mormon
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