Oct 20, 2012

Who Stole My Smile

Grand Larceny
The world's greatest smile has been stolen...
Lifted like a thief in the night
Completely inconceivable that I could wake-up this morning and it was missing
No Note, No Randsom, No Clues
It just vanished
Disappeared into the distance and I couldn't even say goodbye
and I am not talking about a regular pass a stranger smile
I mean the greatest smile ever
Marvelous & Magnificent in Spirit
Perfect in Splender
The Rarest of Rare, Irreplacable
Brilliant & Beautiful the essence of angelic presence
A smile that could cut the silence with thunderous roar
Illuminate the night like lightening
Motivate a mountain to move
and gave the oceans waves
A smile that made sunshine envious every day
and it was just taken away

and like the yellow satelite we call a sun it was the center of my universe
I made my heart beat, blood flow and emotions rage with the power of a hundred volcanos
It made grass grow, flowers bloom gave me sight through the absence of light
and when I say I miss it, I mean my earth is no longer spinning without it
and now it is impossible to get my day started without my smile
and now I just sit thinking of how could I ever locate my smile again
I just want to know how I begin to live again when someone has stolen my smile

(if you have my smile please give it back)

Oct 19, 2012


45 Days Sober

"American Book of Dependency" (chapter: 9 verse: Mine)

Refined Floride H2O
Dopamine Adrenaline Rush
Crush Impulsive Instincts & Chemical Intimacy
We Think We Free When We Free to Fulfill Consumption & Social Co-Dependency
American Daydreams of Attention Deficit Hyper-Active Obsessive Compulsive Disoreder
We Run and Order Another Prescription
Listen to the Music so We can Remote Mind Control Out of Reality
Direct Televison Skipping 400 Channels of Flickering Hypnotic Images
Mentally Masturbating Over Internet Connections Creating One on One Sexual Orgasm
Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans vs Chips Ohoy & Oreos
Xbox & PS3 vs Pepsi & Coke-a-Cola

So When was the Last Time You were Completely SOBER?

Oct 15, 2012

The Long Road Home

Passion unparalleled by anything in our universe
the heart of a gift/cursed conquering king who knew desire
knew Love
knew Determination
but he never knew Peace

never knew his God complex and sharp poetic Shakespeare quick tongue would cut his own throat
knew the taste of his own blood soaked, saturated and stained teeth
knew the speech that swept feet and pushed heads through clouds
knew how to inflate hearts to float miles beyond reality
knew love & knew better but still let his desire filled heart take lead

his passion unparalleled by anything in our universe 
the heart of a gift/cursed conquering king who knew the great faith that fought daily with common sense
he knew hyper-intellectual thought so a lust for wisdom was his second nature
his philosophy...psycho-analytically driven by family and co-dependency
his virtue challenged by material but dominated by his own toxic self-righteousness
his determination fueled his passion
desire dictating the directions of a love inebriated heart and often times frustrated flashing temper

his passion...

unparalleled by anything in our universe

his heart...
gifted & cursed
he is a conquering king motivated by a will that moved mountains
he knew most could not conceive the thoughts of an aging dictator that would rather burn the road to contentment and live his remaining existence trapped in struggle so that his death may be his only progressive goal accomplished
the soul of a gift/cured conquering king who would rather sacrifice than be given anything unearned
who strived to move forward because just moving on is worse than standing stagnant

a gifted & cursed conquering king that would rather stand in the same place as long as it was known he was standing for everything he he held supreme

Oct 14, 2012

I am the Definition of Co-Dependency"

"I am the definition of Co-Dependency
Desperate for Family
an example of the inability & lack of desire to survive with just me
I am a city boy that hates to be alone
craves human contact
and solitary confinement is the worse possible punish I can imagine
I'm a social butterfly with the motivation and heart of an army ant
I hunt in the pack of piranha and the school is my home 
I am God creating angels and humans cause even he didn't like being alone 
I'm George Washington crossing the Delaware with an army 
Jesus His Disciples, 
Moses in the Desert, 
MLK in Montgomery, 
Malcolm X in Harlem 
and a Million Man March doing my part so together we can find freedom 
because I've been realized that if there is no You then there can be no Me 
then there's No Family...No Unity 
so Yes, I am the definition of Co-Dependency 
Never ashamed to say I am created through God's reflection in my brother's image 
What ancestors and forefathers spoke of when the uttered the words, "It Takes a Village" 
The courage to stand with you, besides you and in front you ready to take that bullet 
so I'm proudly announcing that I would stand amonst the masses arm and arm, marching & moving forward with you 
I am Co-Dependency asking you to stand with me and write a legendary future history."

-Uncle Salaam...10-14-2012
I can not begin to explain to anyone reading this all the reasons why I wrote this piece. However, I do have a few, important thoughts I will expound on right now. The first being that I have had recent communication with my ex-girlfriend and flat out we have completely different philosophies on independence. My second feeling of motivation came from being raised in a big family (immediate and extended), a large inner-city Catholic church and growing up influenced by the culture of team sports (football, basketball, baseball & volleyball). I watched my parents help many others in our church and community. In turn not only was I exposed to these practices of family and philanthropy but had it instilled and drilled into my every molecule of being. Rather it is globally, family, in our work environment or neighborhoods, we all have to work, build and live together. We are all dependent on one another. No one has made significant progress without the help of another. No matter how much we would like to believe that we do things on our own, there is also someone we owe a thank you to when we accomplish a goal. Someone has usually sacrificed to give us the opportunity to achieve. Rather it was was an underpaid teacher or over-worked nurse, if it is the unseen woman or man that stood up against fascist and civil terrorism so that our generation would have the opportunity to pursue our dreams. Even the judges, lawyers, police and corrections officers that held the criminal opportunist at bay while we pursue and pursued our goals deserve some credit (because I could image it to be pretty difficult to conduct business or study for a college exam when there is a sociopathic guerrilla kicking in your door with a hunting knife or assault riffle). 

 Now I understand that through sheer stubbornness there will be those whom disagree with my philosophy. To all those individuals I offer you the opportunity of proving me wrong by moving to the middle of a desert or forrest and becoming a hermit. Rely on no one but yourself for food, clothing and lodging and then we can talk. Now I know what your thinking, and yes, it is possible but my stipulation for an argument is that you do it. 

To my rational and intelligently thinking and motivated truth seekers reading this blog that are still unconvinced that co-dependency is not only natural but needed in our society, I offer one last example for you. I think we can all agree that George Washington by example was beyond most all individual's definitions of great. Take our nation glorious general and place him at the Battle of Princeton in 1777 completely alone facing thousands of British soldiers and he will stomped to death by red coats until there is no body left to identify. Is there anyone that can seriously conceive the possible notion of a positive outcome for our illustrious first President, never. Let us also add Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to this argument. Lets place him marching alone in Montgomery, Alabama surrounded by hundreds of violent racist bigots carrying stones, sticks and  bottles and we can also imagine that outcome to look exactly the same as the first. Now you take that same General Washington and that same Dr. King, surround them with hundreds of individuals who think as they do and feel like they do and the situations change drastically. Now tell me again how being co-dependent is unhealthy.