Dec 29, 2014

All Conservatives are Racist and Doomed for Failure

In today's America, we have almost 300 million citizens choosing strong political (social) sides. While the majority of America's citizens are Liberals, we have a strong Conservative core struggling to remain relevant in today's rapidly progressing culture. Most of the conservatives in America represent the majority in less populated states, mainly rural areas. Western Pacific and the New England states are mainly populated by liberals and there are a few in the upper Mid-Western states. Other than these areas, the rest of the country is rabidly right leaning.

Throughout the past few months I have found myself in quite a few heated debates with conservative activist, extremist and pacifist. There were conversations that took place face to face, while others were through social media post. Some of these conservatives were respected and loved family members and friends, yet others I have and never will meet in-person. There is one commonality during and after these engagements of idealism I would have, there always had the same questions rattling around in my head. My thoughts always journey down the same path and I was typically kicking myself for not inquiring.

I would love to know what makes a man believe that our country should not evolve politically, socially, culturally or educationally. I wonder if there is any difference between the beliefs of modern-day fiscal conservatives and the idealism that southern confederates believed to be right and good, which lead our country into Civil War. I think to myself, what is the difference between this person that is against the "Anti-Police Brutality" protesters and would they be the same conservatives who would have lined the streets to spit and throw rocks at Civil Rights Marchers in Mississippi and Alabama in the 1960s. 

Perhaps my biggest question to any conservative today is; if you were born in a different era of America's short and violent history, at what time do you believe that you would have been a liberal? I am sure every conservative today has an era that they believe they would have been on the side of change but I highly doubt it that most would have thought any different.

During the late 18th century, America was in a battle for independence with the British. Ironically enough, a vast majority of the colonist in America did not agree with the Boston Tea Party, including then Gen. George Washington and Attorney at Law Thomas Jefferson. This event was considered an angry and unlawful riot and for a half century was referred to as, "The Destruction of Tea". It was not only the destruction of the East Indian Company's products that occurred on several occasions that was frowned upon by the populous but it was also the burning of several ships over the course of a year and assaulting, falsely detaining and hostage-taking of many of the ships crew.

Many today believe that the Boston Tea Party was the spark that ignited the people against the England's Parliament but it was not. After Gen. Washington publicly rallied for a tax that would atone for the replacement of lost revenue due to the misbehavior by rebellious colony citizens, America found itself in a military police state under British troops (the active Federal Government). On March 5, 1970, a street protest turned physically violent by drunken colonial aggressors against an overwhelmingly outnumbered small group of British troops. Eventually in fear for their lives these troops opened fire instantly killing 3 men on the spot and 2 others that later succumb to their gun shot injures. Yet this was still not the motivating factor that brought the country together and led to the Revolutionary War but it was the acquittal of Captain Thomas Preston and his 8 British troops which infuriated the masses and led to the final straw breaking the camel's back. 

Two centuries ago participants in "The Destruction of Tea" movement were of the same values of those of Liberal beliefs today. They were anti-corporation, anti-militarized police state and anti-centralized banking and a small minority of people willing to fail in order to be free. They were considered criminals and protested violently and regularly. They were hated by conservatives but thankfully were never deterred by the opinion of the privileged masses

Unfortunately, like every other time in history, conservatives did not want change. They did not seek to evolve and were happy with the status-quo of life as it was. So once again, I ask my conservative brothers and sisters, in what era of America's history would you have been a liberal willing to put your life on the line for the freedom of all in this country?

Nov 24, 2014

Destruction of Black America: New World Death Penalty

In 1999, during the President Bill Clinton Impeachment trail, the CIA finally admitted that during the mid-80s they were the biggest drug dealers in American history. This is a FACT! The CIA finally admitted to pumping enormous amounts, tons upon tons of cocaine into the Los Angeles area and eventually urban cities across America. Unfortunately, Americans from coast to coast were to busy tuning their TVs in at record breaking rates that raveled that year's Superbowl, to watch the Pres talk about his extra marital affairs.

I was a first hand supporter to the "Crack the CIA Movement" lead by CA Rep. Maxine Waters (D) and many grassroots organizers, while everyone was focused in the opposite direction. The entire nation tuned-in every morning, afternoon and prime time hours to ingest the garbage of an useless impeachment trail. The entire time, we had both parties working together to pass bills, release little paid attention to statements and cover-up hundreds of other criminal instances induced by both sides of the aisle.

This is not the first instance of America releasing government sponsored dis-ease and evil own it's own people. My community has always struggled with alcohol, drugs, poverty and health crisis. This was only the final blow in the completion of the FIRST step of completely annihilating a growing giant and crippling it's future forever.

While crack cocaine dealing become the greatest source of  economic advancement for Black & Mexican males in Urban America, which of course being the most addictive drug known on earth, these parts were just the beginning. The "War on Drugs" started by Pres. Nixon but really taking a hold on the public with Pres. Reagan, which who incidentally is the same governor that closed mental health facilities a decade earlier, These same facilities whose highest priority was treating drug addiction victims and putting all these people with severe mental health issues on to the streets. The same governor who while closing the doors on these mental health facilities, allowed the opening a couple dozen private prisons which he himself and his cohorts were fully invested in. Do you see where I am going here? Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the early-90s, California lead the push on stricter felony laws, 3 strikes, life sentencing and reduction of good behavior early parole, forcing felons to serve 80% of sentences. The government was stacking the prisons with it's most valuable and lucrative product, Human Beings. Young men were being literally sold into state sentences by the courts for doing the same thing that the federal government does and needed them to do in order to generate a funds. Urban males were dealing drugs just as the CIA did. Urban males were going to war over territory, just as our military does. Killing people, just as big brother does. The biggest difference is that Urban America was and is the only ones paying the price for its immoral and illegal activities. Unfortunately, when a poor person exploits their limited opportunities (which were government perpetuated) in an attempt to better their financial/survival situations, it will more than likely be deemed illegal and severely punished, even if it is not for everyone else.

With poverty being one of the many leading causes of drug addiction, which creates more drug dealers, giving way to mandatory sentences and larger prison populations, all creating more money for the Top 1%, this has to be more than just accidental. Black and Latino males were being systemically eliminated. We were being drugged out, murdered and/or imprisoned for life by the millions, as a result our entire families were failing. we are now falling prey to passive resistance with the elimination of our warrior class.

The young men in our cities are now limited in numbers. We are limited in college, we are limited in the workforce and we are limited in the home. So today, we now have a system that does not promote our education and self-sufficiency but instead is seeking to incarcerate us by the millions.

I know many of you will say that no one held a gun to anyone's head forcing them to deal drugs or join a gang but how do you wag your finger at these youth while you take advantage of the all the privileges you receive from your government perpetrating the same crimes?

Jun 22, 2014

"Why are Minorities so Sensitive"

How many times have you heard this question posed? For me, it has been countless times a month over the last 2.5 decades. Usually, it is a white friend or associate but there are a great number of times it has been a stranger that I am unaware of their history or background. This is a question that has frustrated me throughout the course of many arguments, not that I am unaware of the answer but more unaware of how to explain this difficult emotion to am individual that cares more about winning the argument over the truth.

I have come to realize that many people that argue are rarely seeking truth but rather a victory. Most argue with emotion and questions like this are meant to belittle their adversary rather than point them towards light or induce an epiphany of understanding. More commonly, those that are faced with this question feel somewhat humiliated because they realize that they are being sensitive in one way or another and can harbor feelings of being weak or inferior, especially after witnessing the smirking face standing across from them. 

Over the last few months I have come to realize a new reality. Minorities sensitivity are not because they are weaker or inferior but because we have been subject to a inferior position and are complaining because we have not found conformity with it. We are actually showing our strength by not being satisfied with the status-quo of a second rate existence.

I have also realized in today's new societal time of majority liberalism and compassion for our fellow man, that conservatives are becoming the new whiny, sensitive, cry babies. I witness countless right-wing republicans constantly complaining on social-media and various other outlets about every progressive change our country is undergoing. These are the same individuals that over the last 25 years or so, were and still are, asking me. "Why are minorities so sensitive?"

"Conservatives are America's New Cry Babies"

As the new liberal social world order progresses, conservatives are finding their old supremacist ways and lifestyle in jeopardy. The feeling of superiority and privilege that has come with being middle-class and white in America is losing it's footing. It almost feels as if with every passing day more and more white Americans are filling the bandwagons of discontentment for the so-called minorities that are seeking equal placement in our country. Rather it is hating President Obama and Democrats or just hating anyone that has the audacity to seek an equal opportunity for themselves and their children. 

America was supposedly founded on a value of equality that many have never felt and the ones that have been privileged to for so long feel that they are losing. Which brings me to an important question, "Is White Privilege Disappearing?" I witness rally after rally, conservative organizations and social-media groups forming almost weekly promoting the protection of the great way of American life. When you see the members of these groups, there is one thing that they all have in common, they are all a sea of white faces. Hoards of middle-aged and older white Americans screaming to the top of their lungs how they are losing their rights. The truly outlandish oddity in all this is how the only right I see them losing is the right to "White Privilege."
The truth is that "White Privilege" is still alive and well. Although, it has lost some of it's footing, it is still ever apparent in today's judicial court system and corporate executive structure. Minorities still receive far more time behind bars in America's great penitentiary industrial complex as opposed to their white counter-parts for the same crimes and white males still hold a disparaging and overwhelming percentage of executive positions in America's Fortune 500 companies. Although, I do feel compassion for America's middle-class white male, it can not be easy to have a minority rise to the position of highest office in America, have to face trial for shooting black kids for walking through your neighborhood wearing sweatshirts or witnessing Russell Wilson win the Super Bowl. My heart truly goes out to you, after all, I am a Liberal.

Jun 19, 2014

Fox News: Megyn Kelly & Dick Cheney

I finally had an opportunity to watch the entire interview by Megyn Kelly of former Vice-President Dick Chaney today and I am "tongue-in-cheek" surprised. As many news outlets are broadcasting through social media, Megyn Kelly showed a side that has been rarely seen by 99% of Fox News anchors and journalist, to that I say, Not.

Unfortunately, if you observe the video in it's entirety, you will see that Megyn Kelly is simply giving the former Vice-Pres an opportunity to refute his critics and lobby support for a new organization that undoubtedly his daughter, Liz Cheney, President for "The Alliance for a Strong America", will begin gathering support to position her for a bid in the highest office of America in 2020 (or maybe even 2016). After examining the the site, it was easy to recognize that many of the ideals of the present Tea Party have been carried over. Although, a major difference I recognized is that this organization seems to focus more on foreign policy than domestic.

As I viewed the video as linked directly by Fox News, what became immediately apparent was that Megyn Kelly was in no way challenging VP Cheney, but instead offering him pre-submitted softball insertions and an opportunity to refute claims that the Bush admin should take responsibility for the war in Iraq. He and his daughter Liz sang the song that we would expect and Megyn Kelly danced like only a Fox News anchor would. She was pleased with his answer and in addition offered ample time for the Cheney twins to pitch their new Anti-Obama/Anti-Liberal organization.

Full Interview of Dick & Liz Cheney by Megyn Kelly