So last night there was some more reporting of how our handsome and charismatic President is closing camps of torture and how it is driving the far right fanatics hysterical, especially your boy Glen Beck
(who is possibly the worse of mainstream Tell-Lie-Vision Nuts & a complete idiot).
As much as I love having a President who is Black. Which shows that we must constantly Thank God for Magic Johnson, Will Smith, LL Cool J, Emmitt Smith, Jay-Z, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Dave Chapelle
(and all the other brothers who have help make middle America a little more comfortable with blacks everywhere).
We must realize that just because Pres. Obama is not allowing our nation to continuously victimize thousands of Innocent individuals with our own hands, does not mean that we are not still going to allow for other nations to do it. Which is called Rendition.
Rendition: (see article below)
The hardest part is not only are we allowing it and condoning it, but we are also backing it. We are not just supporting it by turning a blind eye to it but we also participating in it. We have law enforcement officials present and participating in torture in countries all over this globe of ours. Instead of America once again admitting its Devilish practices. We would rather play the angel, act as if we are the Innocent and confused when terrorist hit us at home.
Bottom Line...
If you continuously smack me in my mouth, Separate me by force from my family, and Demonize my culture and religion. Why are you so surprised when i decide that it has become unbearable and strike back.
Even the smallest guy in the class gets fed up with the Bully eventually and hits him in his softest place (usually below the belt). the coldest part is that when it's your child that is the smaller kid. You pat them on their head and tell them that you are glad that they decided to stand up for them Self...
Main article: Extraordinary rendition
Human rights groups charge that extraordinary rendition is a violation of Article 3[2] of the United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT), because suspects are taken to countries where torture during interrogation remains common [3], thus circumventing the protections the captives would enjoy in the United States or other nations who abide by the terms of UNCAT. Its legality remains highly controversial, as the United States outlaws the use of torture, and the U.S. Constitution guarantees due process. Rendered suspects are denied due process because they are arrested without charges and deprived of legal counsel.
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