Imagine sinless seduction...Primal sexual oppression & privledge...Uninhibited desires fulfilled...Taste...Touch...Smells...and Sights darkened pitch black by blindfolds...Oral stimulation spoken in foriegn tongue...the victorious voice of lust singing high-pitched, hardcore opera hymns...rhytmic sound of pounding flesh meshed with muscle & bone on bone & limbs stiff like steal...Feel No LimitsTwisting, Turning, Touching, Weightless anti-gravity atmospheres...Never come down...150 minutes turning towards eternity...internally imploding outside-in...visions vivid thru the dark like desert stars soaking sunburst thru the soul...NOW HOLD!!!& Imagine Love...Feel affectionate lips kiss foreheads & the smooth romantic dance of spiritual desire...All HonestyAll Truthcan we see the same visions?both roads merged to 1can they touch the same Image?Love vivid in Lust liquified for bathing...always unbashful...totally unashamed...Prohibited by none...We meet when the both becomes 1...Unified Champion Triumphant
How do u measure a man when the road to hell is paved with good intentions, questionable decisions and televisions with over 400 channels?

May 18, 2011
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