Yesterday (Tuesday morning) my little girl graduated onto high school.
It was a proud moment for me & I was so honored to be appreciated and recognized by her & her family as being Jade's dad (even tho her mother & I have not been together for years). The thing that kept flashing and crawling through my mind was how do the men of this world continue to have children that they refuse to have any responsibility for? What is it about these most magnificent gifts of life make a man run?
I consider myself to be very blessed that I have been allowed to share in Jade & Ayden's lives as a father figure. I am experiencing a love that is like no other thing imaginable. The amazing thing about the whole situation is that they are both 2 Gorgeous and Happy children. They both have their issues like every child their age has but they are not "Out of Control" & they have so much Love in their Hearts.
Jade will be entering the Gifted and Talented Education Program (G.A.T.E.) at Etiwanda High School. I am so Proud of my brilliantly beautiful little girl it is beyond all my past dreams, desires and fantasies for her.
When her mother and I met, Jade was starting the 3rd grade and was starting to struggle academically in school. I explained to her mother that we must create an environment for both Jade and Ayden to scholastically thrive in. That accomplishment in education, knowledge, personal discipline, creativity & social skills are what we must dedicate our personal time to if we expect them to excel. I was told by several people that I was to dominating and that I expected to much from young students. (glad I did not listen to the nay-sayers).
I am not a supporter of the theories by which most Americans (conservatives & liberals alike) are raising their children under. I will not accept anything less than the best and you will not be rewarded without first truly making a honest and complete effort. You are not special until you prove that you are special. Life and the world are much to harsh and ugly for the way we are continually sending under-prepared young people into them. Both Jade and Ayden understood, stepped up to the challenge and began achieving and reaching for higher success. (and just in case you were wondering...I love the Tiger Mom's theories and balance between eastern & western child rearing practices)
I am planning to spend as much time as possible with Jade & Ayden this summer. I really feel like I have been missing many growth opportunities with them since I have been partially absent over the last 18 months (seeing them every other month for a weekend is just not enough for me). I hope that I can continue to be a most positive influence in their lives & I'm looking forward to that day they graduate from high school in 4 & 5 years.
I Love You Guys Forever!!!
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