Nov 25, 2009

You Are Everything Times 10 to the 7th Power

Like any man could witness
it was her perfectly petite & powerful hourglass gorgeous frame which flipped my subtle glance to a entranced stare

but like any Initial Physical contact... that soon faded

Maybe next it was her Bright Eyes,
Love Sedated Soaked Lips & Smile,
or her Rock Star Style that stepped me into next gear

but like all Natural Physical Attractions... that would also soon Vanish

In Reality her Beauty laid in the Ageless game
a Refined Wisdom
& Intellectual stamina measured by only an infinite number
not even conceived by the most brilliant of men

she came from a mold of Phenomenal Pheminine Pharaohs & Supreme Queens
the Ultimate of Gorgeousness & Power
Everything you could ever imagine times 10
& to the 7th Power
with her own gravitational pull & Power she seduced me in
fighting to hold fragile feelings within my radiply thawing hardened heart
my iron clad steel soul stood still
as the immovable object met the irresistable force

you are All That...

everything the collective universe could produce times 10
& to the 7th Power

an Intellectual Gaint wrapped in the Glorious Design of an Angelic Body

but some how...
something tells me...
this all might be too much...

Nov 10, 2009

Mia Angelic/Diablo

3 hundred & Sixty-Five times 36
Over 13 Thousands Days Laid the Track
Created the path where we could meet
1st time we speak
Intellectually Inter-Sec
Verbal Inner-Course
Thoughts Back & Forth
I tried not to Smile 2 Much
(but I know I could not hide it)