Oct 30, 2011

"Distractions... Detours... & Drama!!!"

What are the distractions in your life?

Where are the detours taking you?

Who brings the drama to your world?

& My final question...
Is why do you allow these situations to knock you off your path?
Today I was examining what is it that causes me not to succeed and I found that it was All Me. I am the biggest Distraction, my mind wondering poses the worse and longest detours from my path to success and I am responsible for all the Drama I face monthly, weekly & daily.

I was told earlier this week that I over-analyze things. I of course disagree but this statement is not entirely incorrect. My problem is that I over-analyze the wrong things. I spend entirely to much time worried about things that do not matter to the success of my life. Whether I am allowing my mind to journey off and dream of sports and fantasy teams or fashion and music, I realize that these things are not the best ways for me to spend my time. Even social media plays a huge part in the distractions' detours and dramas in my path.

Today I will spend less time worried about entertainment and more time concentrating on lifting my brothers and sisters consciousness and awareness. I will speak Life into existence and hold my tongue when Death tickles the tip of it.

I do not want anyone to get me wrong. I am an entertainer and I love to play. I will always smile and I will always have something on my Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, colorful mind. My goal is to remain more focus and live out the reason for my existence.

We should all find more time to dismiss the distractions, ignore the detours and cancel our subscriptions for negative drama.


"How Patriarchy Damages Women and Girls"

I would like to thank Karlie Hustle for her contribution to humanity. I appreciate anytime I can find such an astounding, mouth dropping essay posted on Facebook and obviously had to re-post here in my blog. I hope it touches you and provokes thought and understanding the same way it did for me today. Thanks Karlie Hustle

"How Patriarchy Damages Women and Girls"
What is patriarchy?
Patriarchy is the social system which places men as authority figures over women and children. The notion that "the man is the head of the house" sets up a hierarchy whereby one member of a family is considered superior to the others.

Institutionalized entitlement on behalf of men combined with fear on behalf of women is what sets the patriarchy ship to sail. Unfortunately, without equality, no household (and no nation, for that matter) can flourish in a healthy manner.

The United States is a country systematically run by way of patriarchal norms. Little girls are socialized from infancy that being married and having babies is what "good women" do. "Find yourself a man" is the task we are given almost immediately. The construct that we are nothing without a man is so ingrained into our psychology that we will often compromise ourselves and the lives of our children just to hang on to one.

I walk down these Brooklyn streets and see female toddlers, barely able to walk themselves, pushing dolls in strollers. We are sending these children the wrong message. At three years old, isn't it a bit perverse to insinuate that baby girls have nothing other to prepare for than eventual motherhood?

Naively, we all seem so boggled as to why teen pregnancy is such an issue. Aside from the lack of education on how to protect oneself from unwanted pregnancy and STIs, the idea of getting knocked up is somewhat attractive to young girls. And why wouldn't it be? Moms and dads, can you really be mad when your 14-year-old daughter announces her pregnancy after encouraging her to be a caretaker for doll babies her entire childhood?

The first step is owning up to our own neurosis. The sickening mind games we play with ourselves and then pile on top of our young girls are centuries in the making, but at some point we must step back and look at the damage we are causing to future generations.

To insist that having a man and being a mother are the only two truly acceptable options for women and girls is as unfair as it is damaging. To infuse young female minds with the idea that they are nothing without the validation from a male counterpart is to continue a very damaging cycle. This hamster wheel includes (but is not limited to) domestic violence, child abuse, teen pregnancy and the spread of STIs and STDs.

Patriarchy silences women and children. Until the girls are safe, none of us are safe.

We have got to do a better job of giving women options beyond the hetero-normative, patriarchal mainstays. We are losing our girls left and right, both in mind and in physical body.

I have nothing against marriage nor motherhood. At 34-years-old, I still haven't deemed myself ready for either, but that doesn't mean I won't do both at some point. I am not here to be subversive to the idea of families and children. All I'm asking is for us to consider giving our girls a shot at other identities.

I implore you--if your daughter insists on pushing something on wheels down the street--get her a little cart of books instead.

Oct 19, 2011

Not Sure










Better Question...

How is it that I always hear parents saying things like, "We are doing everything we can to help little John or Suzie" or "I am not sure what is left that I can do to help lil John or Suzie." Honestly, I do not understand this mindstate and truly can not believe that someone can be doing all they can when they have yet to explore every option.

I just want to say that if you are to ever be the best parents ever, then you must truly do everything you can to be the best parent ever.

Oct 14, 2011

Out of My Mind Just In Time II

I really think Erykah Badu should remake the movie

I just watched it for the 1st time about 2 weeks ago and thought it was fabulous. So many things Diana Ross did as a model in the movie and I think it was written brilliantly. I just wanted to share that tit bit of my opinion before you began to enjoy this beautiful video


OUT MY MIND JUST IN TIME 2 from Creative Control on Vimeo.


Big Body Abundant
Thick & Voluptuous
Major Great Goddess
Dressed in Stars
with the Sun as a Crown
Bigger than Life
Twice as Tight as any Skinny Model on TV

She Is...
A Phenomenal Full-Figured Feminine Pharaoh

Sick Vicious Hips
Thighs Outrageous
Curves Out of Control

I Dream of this Queen
I Fiend for this Queen
Big Body Abundant
Thick & Voluptuous
I see she will be my Full-Fig Supreme Queen

Oct 8, 2011

Social Networking vs. Social Action!!!

Before any sweeping indictments are made & anyone begins to give way to confusion' I would like to state, "I Love my Facebook & Twitter and I would go nuts without virtual Social Networking."
Now at the time I am making this statement, I also feel compelled to share with you that Social Networking is destroying the morality and accountability of our youth. It is creating an hedonistic generation of self idolization. It is promoting desires of instant gratification which lead to an inability to control any instincts where patience and rational thinking would normally kick in.

Now I do not wish to jump on any blame band-wagons and try to convince you all how much you must hate the internet and social network. I am just asking you to observe the pre-teens, teenagers & young adults around you. I am asking you to make the necessary realizations that their lifestyle options are incredibly different than ours were.

Today's youth (18 & under and even some that are 18 to 21) have no idea about the falling of the Berlin Wall. Our children have not spent many hours with a wristwatch on and I am sure has limited experience writing in cursive. Today's children under 21 have never used a typewriter or rotary phone. They are not familiar with Dr. Kevorkian, Dan Quayle or Rodney King and Bart Simpson has been around 4 years longer than anyone graduating high school in 2012. Finally' the World Wide Web has been their primary study tool since birth.

Now today's youth have an external instant orgasm button connected directly to their spine and it is burning out before they are the age of 21.

With this knowledge, I need every adult to understand something. Our youth will never know what hard work is. We have more spoiled and self entitled children skipping through the states than at any other time in our history. Our parents fought for our rights, we have taking advantage of the gains and now our children sit around, do nothing and have no clue of real struggle. In the last 50 years we have lost our #1 worldly status that we still cling to so dearly today. We are living in falsity because America is not #1 and it is our fault because we have become entitled.

I remember when you worked for everything you had and if you different have it, you saved up to get it. Now today's youth have an external instant orgasm button connected directly to their spine and it is burning out before they are the age of 21.
Now do not get me wrong, I do believe that every child is special. However, we as adults must help direct these youth into understanding positive ways to be special but also help them understand the difference between the times to be an individual and when to evoke teamwork.

We as adult Americans wish to blame everyone else but ourselves for economic setbacks but fail to ever take responsibility for our own misfortunes. I know I am not free of guilt and I am not casting the stones. I am however saying that today's youth need to take more responsibility than we have and transform their social networking into social action and changing not just America but the World...

Oct 5, 2011

"Nature & Nurture: Let Us Create Our Children in Our Image"

I have spent countless hours with "At-Risk" and Juvenile Delinquent teenagers and preteens, and the one thing they all seem to have in common is that there is a parent (and in some cases both parents) who suffer from the same emotionally crippling disabilities as they do. Stubbornness, Disrespect, Anger and Addiction in our youth comes from Nature and Nurture. We pass these traits along to them at birth and foster them along as are children grow into young adult stage in our households.

When we make decisions based on our emotions we're doing the same exact thing we ask our children not to do. We must first identify our problems and one of our most greatest problems we as adults/parents face is that we don't see how making emotionally based decisions are so bad. We have to work through this important issue before we can help them with theirs. We must correct our dysfunction before we can help them with theirs.

I see many of our youth standing as warriors today. They wish to conquer the world just as we did. They also wish to have fun just as we did. Their difference is that we knew we wanted to be the greatest and had great potential that many us cultivated constantly. Today "Social Networking" has replaced "Social Action" and it is destroying are youth.

Everyday I find myself explaining to parents how it is more important to our youth to be Famous today than any other time in history. Through technology our youth are fostering a false sense of identity. A false sense of self love and self respect. Being cool for them is how many pokes, likes and post/comments they get in a day. Now couple that with an inherent desire to rebel against authority, to cheat, to self medicate and even worse, to step on and degrade someone next to them so that they may appear bigger.

America has always eaten her young but now she is regurgitating the half dead, undigested zombie minds back out to replace the next generation of American leaders.

We are America & We have Grown Sick!!!