Feb 28, 2012

Brand New Hot Sh!t

Award Winning and Warped Tour Battle Winner, Seefor Yourself and his band Sudent Body Presidents are ready to release his debut EP "Greatest Show on Earth"! This SoCal artist is a blend of Busta Rhymes, Outkast and The Black Keys! The music is beautiful, the stories are intense and the live show is killer!

The release of this upcoming album will reveal Seefor’s unique mix as a hip hop stylist, rock singer, rap icon and pop producer which all culminate into an unforgettable and commanding master performance. The unreleased album is already making waves as unmixed versions of the songs from the album have been played on VH1’s “For The Love Of Ray- J” and TBS’s “Lopez Tonight” show AND WERE PERFORMED IN THE WHITE HOUSE FOR OUR 1ST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA! The release of this staggering musical vision will propel Seefor Yourself to global preeminence as a true artist and social prophet. It is only a matter of time….

Check Out his Latest Video: Bombs Over Baghdad 2012

Feb 20, 2012

& now a few words from Gandhi

Speak the Truth Even when the Truth is Inconvenient...

You can Never Stop Reality from being Real!!!

Never Let Your Emotions Get the Best of You

}}}---> The Valentine's Day Massacre After-Party <---{{{

& ready to rock
popped 2 shots through the heart & stop blood flow
she hate me but don't know
every time she tell me...she loves me...it ain't me
& lately...I don't even know me
so now I sit lonely...surrounded with a wall of foolish pride
I hide behind true lies like a bad actor in an independent college film
my collaborating will...still hold tight to thoughts of holding you
I'm holding through the thick with no thin
caught by wicked wind...blew through the cavity the heart use to reside in
blown out by an assassin lying behind eyes of passion
I'm asking what happened to the smiles & laughing
now frowns & gnashing teeth incarcerate a tongue to no longer speak

Silence! slice the night chill with heavy breath
this is the death of a salesman
heart spilling desire cross concrete & asphalt
"Its Your Fault!!!"
pointed fingers implicated dying body
revenge is sweet but all I taste is the bitter backside my own lies
blown back in my own face

Taste! sweet revenge served cold
dark hole blowing heavy heat
cavity in my chest gargle speech

Please! don't leave me lying in lies on grief street...

Feb 14, 2012

*~*~* Happy Valentine's Day *~*~*

My Favorite Song

So I am sure that rather your reading this today (02/14/2012) or your skipping back through my catalog, hopefully you realize that today's Valentine's Day. I normally don't celebrate Holidays but I just had to share this song with the whole world. Erykah Badu is one of My Top 3 Favorite Artist (my top female artist hands down, guaranteed).

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day


Feb 9, 2012

~+~ Not Just Another Doctor Visit ~+~

This morning I had a doctor's appointment and got wonderful news. I found out that my past 3 month average blood sugar reading was tremendously lower. He also informed me that my blood pressure and renal failure (kidneys) were doing a significant amount better. This blew my socks completely off.

It is amazing to receive such great news after the last several visits I have had with the doctor since July 1st (see post: "Morality in the Making"). Today, every conversation my doctor had with me was began with a magnificent smile and met with even more marvel and celebration on my part.

While speaking with the doctor, I instantly thought of everyday over the last 3 to 6 months that I have held back and pushed forward with my bland diet. Everyday I decided to respect that diet, get off my fat behind and workout. Not just all the times I had to pass on all my favorite snack and sugary goodies (I really miss the ice cream, chocolate sandwich cookies and cupcakes), but the menu really sucks when you have to cut out all the carbs, sodium, potassium, starch and sugar. Now I have not been perfect, I love eating but I had to show restraint.

Interesting enough, many would ask me about my food choices. I mostly still ate in public like there was nothing wrong. Seriously, could anyone imagine me only eating boiled, skinless, boneless, under-seasoned chicken breast every single day. The changes I made were drastic but they were not always consistent or constant. I have just been determined to make my diet better. A few less double cheeseburgers or grande nachos and more grill chicken salads & flat bread veggie wraps.

My journey of better health and a longer life has in no way ended. Although, it is awesome to know that my dedication to making my situation better has seen positive signs. I can not do it all in one day but with the help of my great spirit to succeed... I Will Stay Determined To Make My Life Different!

I Love You All & Thanks for Reading

My Family