Mar 15, 2010

True Republicans Love Money & You have None...

So over the last week I have been finding myself in conversations with several conservative Christian persons that claim to just not like President Obama. These individuals try to label their selves as such (individuals) but to me seem to be nothing more than "Tea Baggers" who are just unorganized. The difficulty is figuring out which is more dangerous, an ignorant ranters with no organization to hold them accountable before they man their soapboxes or a member of an organization that has no structure, educational higharchy, rules or regulations to govern their ignorant banter, rants and behavior.

Wait, let me slow down for a moment and back up this conversation. I do not wish to talk completely about the Tea Baggers. I will go into more depth about them in my next blog (I Promise)

I do want to talk about our everyday neighbors, our white lower to upper-middle class republican brothers and sisters who follow their party with no question. Now there are many Black and/or African-American people who also follow the Democratic Party with the same fever and reckless abandon as Republicans, who are also deceived by typical party politics but they also are not the topic of today’s conversation.

This last weekend I was speaking to a young republican male who could not even phantom the possibility of leaving or turning his back on his party. The major problem I was positioned with was trying to explain to him how this party is not really his. The Leaders of the GOP are not looking out for his best interest (after-all, money is the great motivator for an easily under-guestimated all of the politicians in America). I will admit that there are a few who really care and believe in the "American Dream" for All but mostly they reside on the smaller community level than in Washington D.C.

The Republican Party has completely pulled the wool over the eyes of its constituents. They have been lying to them for over a hundred years now. It began with using religion to gain supporters and followers (sounds familiar, they also used religion to justify American slavery and the mistreatment of women since the beginning of our countrys formation). Now they have resorted to and even more despicable tactic but one that is not new... FEAR!!!

The Republican Party has been leading its followers into believing that their awful President and his administration is driving are country into a Socialist state. Leaders and members of the party in Florida have left behind a little memo, a Republican National Committee memo found in a Boca Grande hotel reveals the GOP’s strategy of using fear to intimidate voters and mocks donors.

The memo - a Power Point presentation given at an RNC meeting in Florida in February - details the GOP’s plans for this year’s election cycle by luring “ego-driven” rich donors with promises of access and “tchochkes.” The more interesting declaration in the memo stated how to control and solicit the less financially fortunate members and donors with an aggressive campaign capitalizing on “fear” of President Barack Obama and a promise to "save the country from trending toward socialism."

*The strategy was detailed in a confidential party fundraising presentation, obtained by POLITICO.

Republicans claim that they need more tax breaks like the ones that were put into effect under the Reagan and Bush administrations. The outrageous part is that under the Obama administration taxes have been reduced for more than 95% Americans nationwide. The 5% that have not and are not going to be able to take advantage of these tax breaks are far wealthier than anyone we will be sitting down to dinner with you in the next several years and when I say "we", I mean from the upper-middle class, down to the poverty stricken persons residing in America's worst neighborhoods and projects.

I have also noticed that these same groups protest healthcare for everyone. The biggest claim made about not wanting healthcare for everyone is that it will make America a socialist society (like Switzerland, France or Canada). I will admit that healthcare for every man, woman and child is more of a socialist idealism but then again so is the police, fire, military, postal, trash, water and public education systems from kindergarten to tax funded state colleges (like U.C.L.A. & Penn State Univ. just to name a couple of the major ones). I do not understand how someone can argue with the astronomically and outrageously high numbers of people that pass away every year from the lack of healthcare. More people have died in the last year (2009) from the lack of basic healthcare than in the Katrina hurricane and the earthquakes in Haiti, China and Chile earthquake/tsunami combined.

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